EventsIn the News
March 2, 2025 Green Horizon Land Trust Annual Dinner
Our dinner program featured Hilary Swain, Executive Director & CEO, Senior Research Biologist at Archbold Biological Station. She will be speaking on The Drivers Determining Conservation Lands in the Headwaters of the Everglades: Past, Present, and Future. Dr. Swain is the 2025 recipient of the Blazing Star Award
Dr. Hilary Swain has served as the Executive Director of Archbold Biological Station in Venus, Florida since 1995, where she leads one of the nation’s premier field stations dedicated to science, conservation, and education. She oversees the stewardship of two flagship properties: the 8,800-acre Archbold Biological Station on the ancient Lake Wales Ridge and the 10,500-acre Buck Island Ranch, a working cattle ranch and research site within the Headwaters of the Everglades.
Under her leadership, Archbold’s research informs critical conservation strategies for sustainable ecosystems, the survival of threatened species, and large landscape conservation. Notably, Dr. Swain has played a public role in protecting conservation lands in Florida, including the implementation of the Florida Wildlife Corridor.
Read more about Hilary Swain and her work.
Thanks to our 2025 Sponsors:
Kent Lilly
Victor Smith Law Group
McBreen and Nowak
Bok Tower Gardens
Duke Energy

Fall 2024 Final Eagle Scout Project for 2024
by Christopher Flint Jr.

Christopher Flint Jr. is with Troop 123 in Winter Haven, Florida. "For my Eagle Scout project, I worked on improving the Outdoor Classroom at Scrub Plum Trail in Babson Park, which is used by students from Babson Park Elementary School." The project included replacing the tops of existing benches, adding a new bench for extra seating, and creating a "Welcome to Outdoor Classroom" sign to make the area more inviting. New plant label signs identify many of the native plants on the trail, helping visitors learn about the local ecosystem. Christopher hopes that everyone who visits enjoys the improvements and finds the space even more welcoming and educational. "It has been rewarding to contribute to a place that helps others connect with nature and learn about Florida’s unique environment. Thank you to everyone who supported me in completing this project! Thank you to the Green Horizon for allowing me to work with them for my project.”

Summer 2024 Eagle Scouts Complete Project at Lewis Arboretum
by Ethan Branck

The Eagle Scout is an high award in scouting that is granted to hard working individuals who show leadership skills and integrity to themselves and others. As part of every Eagle Scout’s duty there comes a time when they must complete their “project” – a service requiring good teamwork and scout leadership to create a lasting impact on the community. We are delighted to have worked alongside Green Horizon Land Trust and donate the new signboard we have funded, crafted, and installed. The Arboretum we went to was lovely and we are glad to have been able to enhance the experience at Micheal Lewis.

Summer 2024 New Signs Inform with Style
Have you visited Green Horizon’s publicly accessible hiking trails recently? Noticed any new additions? Recently, new environmental education signage was installed at Lewis Arboretum (off of Overlook Drive, Winter Haven, FL), Pedersen Preserve (off of Scenic Highway 17, Dundee, FL), and at Scrub Plum / Chapman Oak / Fire House Trails (off of Scenic Highway 17 and Rainbow Blvd., Babson Park, FL). The new signs were made to last! They were printed on aluminum which was attached to a backing board with screws with stainless steel covers. Posts wear PVC sleeves. Where necessary, signs were installed facing north, away from the potent Florida sun.

Signs pictured here may be found at one or more of these locations. Please be sure to visit these properties, check out the new signage, and enjoy hiking the trails!
This project is funded through a grant from George W. Jenkins Fund within GiveWell Community Foundation, Street Center Audubon Back To Nature Program, The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund, Wanda and James M. Moran, Jr. Foundation, Inc., and through donations from community members, family, and friends.

March 19, 2024 Shout Out Girl Scout: Planting for Pollinators
River Selser of Girl Scout Troop #74811 worked to raise funds for signage and a pollinator-friendly garden at Michael V. Lewis Arboretum in Winter Haven. This land is owned by the Green Horizon Land Trust and includes popular hiking trails.
River explains “Park visitors currently enjoy hiking trails at Lewis Arboretum while enjoying the natural area. Providing informational signage and a demonstration planting garden to promote pollinators and pollinator-friendly plant choices will (show) ways that they, too, can make a difference by planting for pollinators.”
River with the two signs she installed educate the public on pollinators and what they do and identify some Floridafriendly and pollinator-friendly plant choices that people can include in their yards. Read more about River's project in this Haven Magazine article.

July 25th, 2023, Pedersen Preserve Planting Day
by Green Horizon Land Trust Directors Suzanne Lindsey and Carla Savage
On July 25th, 2023, a group of 17 volunteers gathered at Green Horizon’s Barbara B.
Pedersen Preserve in Dundee and planted 2,355 Florida native plants. Green Horizon
Land Trust (GHLT) received grant funding from Coastal & Heartland National Estuary
Partnership (CHNEP) for this wildlife habitat protection and restoration project.
Volunteers consisted of FWC Ridge Rangers, Green Horizon directors, and The Natives plant nursery who were tasked with growing the plants used for the restoration project. Volunteers arrived at 7:30 AM and powered through the hot temperatures of the morning. Thankfully GHLT provided reinforcements with snacks and electrolyte packets for water bottles, along with a tailgate shaded sitting area.
The system for planting was impressive with The Natives crew giving instructions on how to properly plant, noting the differences between grasses vs tree seedlings vs flowering natives. The plants were laid out and followed by hole digging using a gas- powered auger. The rest of the team then scurried around planting the plants in between taking breaks hiding from the sun.
What a wonderful collaboration of volunteers sharing their time and talents in order to provide our community with this beautiful nature preserve.
A big shout out to Nancy Bisset, Bill Bissett, Carla Savage, Rachelle Selser, Cody Earle, Sharon Able, Marian Ryan, Tom Palmer, Jerry Burns, Jaime Henry, Susan Facteau, Marilyn Blair, Kevin Kane, Diana Miller, Michael Raiden, Paul Able, Bill Smith. For volunteer information with the FWC Ridge Rangers visit involved/volunteer/regional-programs/ridge-rangers/ , or Green Horizon Land Trust visit

March 26, 2023 South Lake Buffum Field Day
The Green Horizon Landtrust Board of Directors visited the South Lake Buffum 508 acre site today to place cover boards to monitor for sand skinks, view cutthroat seep grass, and enjoy each other's company. Onsite, we also encountered Gopher Tortoise, painted buntings, fox squirrel, woodpeckers and other species. Carla Savage, "I have never seen so many pawpaws in bloom. Nice property."

March 12 Annual Membership Dinner and Program

Our annual celebration of the accomplishments of Green Horizon Land Trust and its partners was held at Bok Tower Garden in the outdoor kitchen.
Along with a sumptuous reception and dinner, attendee learned about the unique restoration challenges at Tenoroc Public Use Area. “The Evolution of Tenoroc” was presented by Biological Scientist Danon Moxley, our Blazing Star Award recipient for 2023. For the last 31 years, Mr. Moxley’s efforts at the Roc have centered on habitat and hydrological restoration and creation of a quality public outdoor recreational area. Read more about the Blazing Star Award here.
Spring is a great time to join or renew your Green Horizon membership. Please visit our Support page. Memberships are available at various levels ranging from $25 - $1,000. If you are unsure of your membership status, please feel free to reach out by email or by calling 863-678-1237. THANK YOU for being a member of Green Horizon Land Trust!
Meet our Sponsors

December 13 In Memory of Luther and Glenda Parrott
Obituary: PARROTT, Luther (90) and Glenda (87) passed away in November 2021.

Lou Parrott was the past Executive Director of Green Horizon Land Trust and continued to serve on its Board.
Lou, always cheerful, was a true gentleman and did his best to make our land trust a success.
– Marian Ryan
Save the Date!
Celebration of Life for Lou Parrott
Sept. 24th 2022, 9:00 am
Luther Parrott Trail at the Michael V. Lewis Arboretum
Winter Haven Florida
Family, friends, and the Green Horizon Land Trust invite you to join us as we honor the life of Lou Parrot for his many contributions to Florida conservation, including his years of dedicated service to Green Horizon. We plan to have a brief service on Saturday morning, September 24, 2022, starting at 9:00 a.m. We will be gathering out at the Michael V. Lewis Arboretum, on Overlook Drive, across from St. Matthew Catholic Church, followed by a hike on the Luther Parrott Trail.
Please bring chairs if you would like to do so, we hope to have a few set up as well. Please dress accordingly if you wish to join us on the hike. More details here:
Lou, as he was known, grew up in the Florida panhandle. He was a graduate of the University of Florida and an avid Gator fan. His desire was to become a Forest Ranger but majored in Business to support his family. His passion was for Nature and the Environment and manifested in his lifelong love of hiking, kayaking and cycling. He was past Executive Director of Green Horizon Land Trust and continued to serve on its Board. Locally, the Lewis Arboretum, and the Luther C Parrott walking trail are managed by Green Horizon Land Trust. As past president of Haven Federal Savings and Loan, he was very active in the Winter Haven civic community and past president of the Chamber of Commerce. Donations in his memory can be made to Green Horizon Land Trust.
I remember Lou for his boundless enthusiasm for any venture he pursued. He helped to make Green Horizon Land Trust the success it has become. His work to expand our holdings resulted or will result in the protection of some unique environmental jewels.
– Tom Palmer
Donate in Memory of Luther Parrott
More about Lou
'Top of the day to you – How are you doing?' followed by 'Fantastic' was always Lou's optimistic greeting with a firm handshake. Who wouldn't brighten up? His positive attitude was followed with a 'can do' spirit that made so many things possible for our young and growing Green Horizon Land Trust. Even when I suggested we needed to tromp through a swamp to thoroughly assess it, he gamely explored the dark waters with me. He always had kind words to say, even when the situation was tough in the natural world or the boardroom. We will miss his spirit. – Nancy J. Bissett

I was one of the earlier members of GHLT and served … on the interview committee once we decided we needed an Executive Director. There were many interesting applicants but Lou stood out based on his business experience (including real estate), his affable demeanor, and the fact he seemed genuinely interested in conservation without having a scientific background; he apparently was among those who pushed through the building of the Elachee Nature Center in Gainesville GA, which was quite nice…. His demeanor facilitated relations with potential donors and it was not long before we were blessed with a gift of several parcels of land, one of which, in the Reedy Creek area, that we sold to SFWMD for a lot of money. Even after retiring as Executive Director, Lou was always bringing the board members down to earth at meetings when our discussions got too high-flown. His patience with me in particular was heroic. … the sort of individual who is receptive to environmental protection … so long as it comes across to him as sensible - the sort of person a charity like ours needs to appeal to.
– Mike Raiden
Remembering Glenda Parrott
Glenda was a native of South Carolina. They were married at the Pensacola Naval base during the Korean War. She joined him at the University of Florida as a spouse on the GI Bill. Her interests were in Nutrition, which she avidly read and studied on her own. She loved animals and adopted many dogs and cats from shelters over the years. Lou and Glenda shared a love of pet birds, training several to speak. Glenda volunteered in the hospital as a Candy Striper for several years, and she was a member of her children's school PTA and active in her son's marching band activities. Donations in her memory can be made to the Humane Society of Polk County. Lou and Glenda are survived by one daughter, a son, one grandson and two great grandchildren

July 3 In Memory of Doug Morrison

Doug Morrison's humanity and land/water ethic will be forever reflected in landscapes protected.
On July 3, 2021, Doug Morrison passed away peacefully surrounded by family. He will be missed.
Since Green Horizon Land Trust’s inception, Doug Morrison has been an involved member and served on the board of directors for many years. Growing up on Crooked Lake swimming, sailing, and slaloming, he would become an advocate for clean water and one of the Defenders of Crooked Lake’s early board members.
A football scholarship led him to Charleston, S.C. and The Citadel, a civil engineering degree, andtwo years military service. Though he loved to travel, he would settle back in the Babson Park/Crooked Lake area where he was dedicated to his family and community. He will be remembered throughout Florida for his tireless willingness to consult and share his knowledge of the plant world, making the world more beautiful as he helped people through his Wirt's Point Nursery.
Doug was a rock in support of the Trust's mission To say he will be missed is like saying we can do without the sun.
– Lou Parrott
His humanity and land/water ethic will be forever reflected in his many projects and loves:
- Tropical Trading Company and management of his one-acre tropical grove with his siblings
- Protect Tiger Creek blocked a proposed sand mine
- Led Stop the Toxic Waste Incinerator successfully for Polk County
- Save Windy Hill & Straw Hat Valley
- Stop the Toll Road to Ruin Initiative
Read more about Doug's contributions on our tribute page. A Celebration of Life is planned for Saturday, July 24, at Windy Hill at 9 a.m. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you consider a donation to Green Horizon's Windy Hill Initiative (read about the project here). Please indicate "In Memory of Doug Morrison" in the note area on the billing information form.
April 19 2021 Green Horizon Secures Protection for Scrub Plum Preserve
We are pleased to announce the acquisition of a permanent conservation easement for the six-acre Scrub Plum Preserve in Babson Park. The Scrub Plum Preserve contains a series of trails that wind through native habitat on the Lake Wales Ridge. These trails have long been used for environmental education efforts at Babson Park Elementary School pioneered by the late Virginia McKinley and Helen Morrison.
This permanent conservation acquisition was completed through the efforts of Virginia McKinley’s sons, Jim, Richard and Bill, Doug and Sally Morrison and through a grant from the Moran Foundation. Read the entire press release here.
March 13 - 14 2021 Virtual Annual Membership Meeting
Green Horizon Land Trust hosted VIRTUAL and physically distanced events in lieu of the Annual Membership Dinner (due to COVID-19)!
For our online program, the Blazing Star Award was presented to Joan and Roger Waters (founders of Woodland Wonders; read all about their work!). The Blazing Star Award honors those who have made significant contributions to the preservation of environmentally sensitive lands or environmental education.
We also traveled (virtually) on a tour led by Ms. Destiny Houghton, Executive Director of Woodland Wonders. This is your chance to experience the newly opened facility and wildlife rehabilitation projects from the comfort of your home. Both programs are available below.
GUIDED HIKES – Saturday, March 13, 2021
Our physically distanced hikes took the place of dinner this year.
- Firehouse / Chapman Oak / Scrub Plum Trails (0.5 mile) departing from Rainbow Blvd. and 5th Ave., Babson Park (just off Scenic Hwy. 17 surrounding Babson Park Community Church) departing at 9a.m.
- Barbara B. Pedersen Preserve Trails (1 mile) departing 6609 Scenic Hwy. 17 N, Dundee at 11a.m.
- Michael V. Lewis Arboretum (1.4 miles) departing grass parking area just west of 2000 Overlook Dr., Winter Haven at 2p.m.
If you missed your chance to donate for these activities, its not too late. To support Green Horizon please donate online or mail your donation to:
Green Horizon Land Trust, Inc., P.O. Box 2445, Lake Wales, FL 33859-2445
(download 2021 RSVP and Membership Form)
October 27 In Memory of Lee Alex Wheeler
For three decades, Lee Alex Wheeler served as Treasurer for the Green Horizon Land Trust. He was also the former Lake Wales Mayor and City Commissioner. Alex Wheeler passed away Tuesday, October 27. Please join us in honoring his life.
Alex served on the Board of the Green Horizon Land Trust from 1992 – 2020, the City Commission from 2001-2009, and as Mayor in 2002, 2005, 2007, and 2008. Throughout his time in office he championed environmental issues and helped get curbside recycling in Lake Wales. He proposed and instituted the Utility Lifeline Program, which assists low-income individuals to only pay base rate for their utilities.
Our hearts ache for the loss of a great friend
– Lou Parrott
Read more about Alex here in the full obituary and visit our tribute page. As Tom Palmer remarks,"It is often hard to know what to say at a time like this. We've lost a great board member, community leader..."
All GHLT trails are now open to those practicing 6' distancing and other recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID19 beginning Monday, May 4, 2020
March 19 Windy Hill Matching Funds exceeds $25,000 goal
An abundance of heartfelt thanks to all who donated to the Defenders' of Crooked Lake Matching Funds. Together we exceeded the goal of $25,000 raised for the Windy Hill Initiative! The Windy Hill Initiative still needs support but those who participated in the Defenders Match doubled every dollar’s impact! Thanks again to all who helped this 2019-2020 campaign succeed!
Read more about the Windy Hill Initiative.
March 9 Steve Morrison receives 2020 Blazing Star Award
Steve Morrison received the 2020 Blazing Star Award at the Trust’s Annual Meeting and Dinner. A naturalist, conservationist, teacher, musician, and artist, Steve has restored wildlands with prescribed fire throughout Florida. As a mentor and teacher his wisdom, patience, and enthusiasm have inspired many. Tiger Creek Preserve stands as a testament to his skills as well as his deep abiding love of the land and its creatures. Steve recently retired as the Central Florida Preserves Manager for The Nature Conservancy after 30 years of service.
Read about Blazing Star Award recipient Steve Morrison
in Polk County News, The Ledger.
February 1 Malachite Goes Home For The Holidays
Green Horizon partnered Big Cat Rescue with a landowner in Lake Wales (whose Conservation Easement we hold), to release the Malachite the bobcat just before Christmas, 2019. Malachite was released back to the wild where he belongs just in time for the holidays. He was orphaned when he was just a kitten. He was 8 months old in December when he got to go home, back to the wild. Watch a short video showing his release.
April 5 The Ledger interviews GHLT President Marian Ryan
The Ledger's interview with Marian Ryan, current president of Green Horizons, explored the purpose and accomplishments of our Green Horizon Land Trust (GHLT). According to the article, GHLT "occupies a unique niche in the mosaic of Polk County’s environmental movement."
The Ledger's columnist Thomas R. Oldt put into perspective the many reasons why GHLT has always been committed to "protecting the land that not only sustains us — you know, food sources, green spaces, blue skies, clear air, pure water, that sort of thing — but also lends the beauty of nature to our lives."
You will want to read the article in its entirety, reprinted HERE with permission.
March 10 2019 Blazing Star Award goes to Jeffrey Spence
The 2019 Blazing Star was awarded to Jeffrey Spence at the Green Horizon Land Trust’s Annual Dinner at Bok Tower Gardens on Sunday, March 10. Jeff retired in 2018 as the Parks & Natural Resources Director after 35 years with Polk County Board of County Commissioners. In this position he oversaw the County’s Water Resources program; Environmental Lands; Mosquito Control; Invasive Plant Management, Parks and Recreation and the History Center.
His major accomplishments include creation of the county’s Water Quality, Environmental Lands and Drainage Programs; overseeing the purchase of 26,000 acres of environmental lands (including the Circle B Bar Reserve); and the construction of over $50,000,000 of parks during the last eight years.
Jeff and his wife, Lynette (an RN and birder extraordinaire) are joined this evening by their two grown sons. Since retirement Jeff is pursuing passions of travel and nature photography.
Read more about Jeff and the Blazing Star Award.
March 10 Green Horizon Land Trust Annual Dinner
Bok Tower Gardens hosted the Green Horizon Land Trust’s Annual Dinner on Sunday, March 10 at 5:30 p.m. A guided hike at 4 p.m. was followed by a beer and wine reception at 5:30 p.m. Dinner (catered by Terri Lobb Catering) and program started at 6:30 p.m. As usual, the event included free admission to Bok Tower Gardens and attendees enjoyed the Gardens and the Carillon concerts 1 p.m. or 3 p.m.
Jeff Spence, recently retired Director of Polk County Parks and Natural Resources Division, presented “Polk County’s Environmental Lands Program: Past, Present and Future.” In 1994, the citizens of Polk County voted to establish and fund an Environmental Lands Program "or the purpose of acquiring, preserving, protecting, managing, and restoring endangered and environmentally sensitive lands, water resources, and important wildlife habitat. This highly successful 20-year program preserved over 26,000 acres of environmentally sensitive lands. Jeff covered highlights of the program including the purchase and restoration of the Circle B Bar Reserve.
In 1994, the citizens of Polk County voted to establish and fund an Environmental Lands Program for the purpose of acquiring, preserving, protecting, managing, restoring endangered and environmentally sensitive lands, water resources, and important wildlife habitat.
The silent auction featured one Diane Pierce “Scrub Jay” numbered and signed print, lovely gift baskets, plants from The Natives' and Bok’s gift shop, gift certificates and much more. Entertainment for the evening featured light jazz, sounds of saxophone and guitar from local artists, David Prince and Dave Smith, who call themselves “Changes.”
This event was sponsored in part by Citizens Bank & Trust, Duke Energy, Mosaic, Victor Smith Law Group, and Wood.
February 2019 Catfish Creek State Preserve Swampbuggy Eco-tour a big hit!
Scrub Jays greeted us as we emerged from the flatwoods into the scrub. Turkeys were on parade, an alligator basked on the bank, and tracks of all sorts were clearly visible in the sugar sand along this section of the Lake Wales Ridge. Thanks to Park Manager Andy Noland, Park Biologist Eric Egensteiner, and Volunteer Leo for a wonderful tour!
You can see more pictures in this Catfish Creek Ecotour Flickr album.
February 2019 New 2018-2019 Guided Hike Series a success!
Our exciting new 2018-2019 Guided Hike Series proved to be popular. Our volunteer naturalists guided participants along select Lake Wales Ridge trails, highlighting the rare and common flora, fauna and geology of these ancient islands. These were cool season hikes, open to all ages.
February 2019 Swampbuggy Adventures enjoyed by all!
The 16-passenger swamp buggy gave participants a high and dry view of the Lake Wales Ridge. The eco-tours to Catfish Creek and Kissimmee State Preserves proved to be both informative and great fun.
July 2018 Moth Night at Lewis Arboretum
In celebration of National Moth Week (July 21-29, 2018), Green Horizon's Tom Palmer conducted an evening of moth viewing at Lewis Arboretum on Tuesday, July 24 from 8:30-10:30 p.m. Lights were set up in an observation area near the trail entrance under the pines for participants' viewing pleasure.
For more information about National Moth Week visit
May 2018 NPR takes on Farm Succession
Rural Lands At Risk As Ranchers Prepare For Retirement – As farmers and ranchers age, the fate of millions of acres of rural land will be decided by the quality of each family’s succession planning. Without it, the landscape can be fragmented by development, and no longer be available to support agriculture or wildlife. Learn more at NPR. > >
February 2018 Annual Membership 2018 Meeting and Dinner
The 2018 Annual Membership Meeting and Dinner was held at Bok Tower Gardens Sunday, March 11th. The guest speaker, Andy Noland, Kissimmee State Park Manager, presented on Kissimmee State Park and Catfish Creek State Park. The Blazing Star award recognized Dr. Paul Fellers for his years of conservation outreach, nature based education, guided hikes and events. Read more > >
November 2017 Hurricane Irma recovery efforts continue
Hurricane Irma recovery efforts continue along Green Horizon Land Trust trails and properties, most specifically ScrubPlum in Babson Park, Pedersen Preserve in Dundee and Lewis Arboretum in Winter Haven. Volunteers have worked tirelessly and submitted reports and photos of their efforts.
July 2017 Remembering James Edgar “Jim” Pedersen
Green Horizon Land Trust extends our heartfelt condolences to the family of Jim Pedersen, who passed away at the age of 89. Mr. Pedersen donated the 40+ acre Pedersen Preserve to Green Horizon Land Trust. Many people are fond of visiting the preserve, exploring the trails, observing wildlife, savoring the serene peace of Lake Annie. Jim will be missed by all who knew him.
Read more about Jim in this memorial.
June 2017 Remembering Talbot 'Tal' Lewis
Green Horizon Land Trust extends our sincere sympathies to the family of Tal Lewis, who passed away at the age of 91. Mr. Lewis donated the 60+ acre Michael V. Lewis Arboretum to GHLT. For over 40 years Mr. Lewis collected ornamental plants, including many species of palms, and planted them within a landscape he designed. Many people enjoy visiting the arboretum and exploring the trails, marveling at the trees and observing the wildlife.
Tal will be missed by all who knew him.
Read more about Tal in this memorial in The Ledger.
March 2017 Green Horizon Land Trust Annual Dinner
Our dinner program featured Tom Palmer presenting "A Veteran Reporter’s Environmental History of Polk County & Florida." Tom retired from The Ledger after 36 years as Senior Reporter, Columnist, and Blogger in September 2016 (See Tom Palmer leaves a great legacy, The Ledger).
Tom is also the recipient of our 2017 Blazing Star Award for his non-stop contributions. Read more about Tom.
December 2016 Twenty Acres Added to Lewis Arboretum and Parrott Trail
Just before Christmas 2016, Mr. Talbot Lewis donated approximately 20 additional acres, adjacent to the 40 acre Michael V. Lewis Arboretum and Luther C. Parrott Trail to Green Horizon Land Trust. The hiking trails and natural areas increased by 1/3 due to this donation in SE Winter Haven off of Overlook Drive. Many thanks to Mr. Lewis for his generosity! The arboretum and trails are open during daylight hours to the public with grassed parking off of Overlook Drive across from the entrance to Emily Estates and St. Matthew's Catholic Church.
October 2015 Generous New Land Donation on Lake Buffum
Green Horizon recently acquired 507.46 acres through inheritance and generous donation from the Estate of (the late) Barbara Lindsey Durrance and Myron Davis. This lovely parcel on the southern edge of Lake Buffum, Ft. Meade, FL is a significant addition, and we are grateful for the generosity of these families. The parcel is mostly wetland with interesting hydrological points, as well as wooded wildlife habitat for numerous species of flora and fauna.
December 19 Longleaf Pine Tree Planting at Pedersen Preserve
Four thousand (4,000) longleaf pine trees were planted at Pedersen Preserve (S. Scenic Highway 17, Dundee, FL) the morning of Thursday, December 19, 2013 as part of the planned pine tree restoration project on five (5) acres of old citrus grove fronting Hwy. 17.
This planting (and holiday season) kicked off our Plant - A - Tree Gift Certificate fundraiser. For each Certificate purchased, a longleaf pine tree will be planted at Pedersen Preserve, Dundee, FL, on behalf of the recipient. Each tree may be purchased for $10. Gift recipients will receive a Plant - A – Tree Certificate and map with directions to Pedersen Preserve to enable them to visit the pine forest, hike the trails and enjoy the preserve now and into the future as their pine tree (and the pine forest) grows. Plant - A - Tree Gift Certificates are available year round for special events, birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.
Plant – A – Tree Certificates are made possible through Green Horizon Land Trust’s, Plant – A – Tree Certificate Program. Plant – A – Tree is a local, central Florida program providing families, schools, and communities with fun, hands-on opportunities to plant trees or simply gift trees that will be planted on the recipients behalf. All trees will be planted in Central Florida and are native species that help protect and restore natural areas that provide habitat for wildlife.
September 28 National Public Lands Day
Volunteers from one Girl Scout Troop and one Brownie Troop participated in trail maintenance activities at Pedersen Preserve (S. Scenic Highway 17, Dundee, FL) the morning of Saturday, September 28, 2013. Thank you!
July 27 Ridge Ranger's Melaleuca Tree Removal Workday
Invasive exotic Melaleuca trees were cut and treated with herbicide along the shoreline of Lake Annie at Pedersen Preserve (S. Scenic Highway 17, Dundee, FL) the morning of Saturday, July 27, 2013. Thank you to the more than one dozen Ridge Ranger volunteers who worked to make this day a success!
March 5 | Bok Gardens Nature Trail Opens Onto Pine Land Preserve

At 9:00 am on March 1, 2013, David Price, President of Bok Tower Gardens (also President of Green Horizon Land Trust), presided over the ribbon cutting that opened a 1.5 mile trail that winds through open lands surrounding Bok Tower Gardens. The preserve with its hiking trails, educational and interpretive signage, picnic shelters, recreational opportunities, and restoration work is the product of a partnership between Green Horizon Land Trust and Bok Tower Gardens, with the help and support of many other organizations. Read more....