LANDS Protected
Michael V. Lewis Arboretum and Parrott Trail
In March, 2011, Green Horizon Land Trust accepted the donation of a 42-acre parcel containing a mix of native and exotic ornamental plants reflecting Polk County's horticultural heritage. On February 18, 2013 the gates opened for the public. The property now hosts a community park with a 1.4 mile trail named in honor of Luther Parrott, past executive director of Green Horizons, complete with picnic facilities.
Donated by Talbot Lewis, the property is adjacent to Orchid Springs at the edge of Winter Haven. Over 40 years Lewis collected and planted ornamental plants from throughout the state and placed them within a landscape he designed, including one of the largest collections of Chinese fan palms in the world. He also planted most of the other palms that will grow in Central Florida.
Lewis provided Green Horizon with a detailed map of the property, including the locations of each plant and its common and Latin names as well as how the plants were used during the Depression. The property is named the "Michael V. Lewis Arboretum" in honor of Tal Lewis' son.
Talbot Lewis describes the Chinese fan palms on the property.