LANDS Protected
Barbara B. Pedersen Wildlife Preserve

Jim Pederson and daughter Lisa walk the mesic hammock edging the acres of longleaf pine that comprise the preserve.
In 2010, the Green Horizon Land Trust received a 40-acre land donation of upland forest on the Lake Wales Ridge from the Jim Pedersen family. The property is located on Lake Annie off Scenic Highway (State Road 17) inside the south city limits of Dundee. It was named the Barbara B. Pedersen Wildlife Preserve after Pedersen’s mother.
"This remnant of the ancient long leaf pine forest that once existed along the entire length of the Lake Wales Ridge was valued at $1,465,000," said Lou Parrott, past Executive Director of GHLT.
This property on Lake Annie gives public access to Florida's natural heritage, from lakes to groves.
The property is a heavily wooded urban upland ridge site which consists of a five-acre former citrus grove and approximately 35 acres of mixed longleaf pine and hardwood hammock. It has 1336 feet of frontage on the Scenic Highway and 476 feet of frontage on Lake Annie. The pines are a remnant of ancient longleaf pines that grew on the uplands in Central Florida known as the Lake Wales Ridge.
Love for the Land

The site has remained mostly undeveloped since it was purchased by Pedersen’s father and mother in 1940, when they built the family home. It is home to diverse wildlife that include gopher tortoises, wild turkey, great horned owl, bobcat, raccoon, and coyotes. Bald Eagles and an occasional deer have been seen on the site.
This extraordinary donation to Green Horizon Land Trust reflects the love that Pedersen and his family have for the land in protecting it from development for more than 69 years. “I grew up on this property and wanted it always to remain in a natural state so that others may enjoy it as much as I did.” Pedersen said. "I went to college for a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology/ecology due in large part to my love of this land. I gave it to Green Horizon Land Trust to ensure the tradition begun by my mother of maintaining it as a wildlife preserve, can now be enjoyed by the public forever.”
Click on the image for a large view of the property and trails.
The Preserve opened to the public with a grand opening hosted hike on December 15, 2012. The site is easily accessible for passive recreation and will become a natural jewel in a sea of increasing development along Scenic Highway. There is only one other such site open to the public along Scenic Highway. That is Hickory Lake Scrub, located south of Frostproof. It was also a Green Horizon acquisition that is now owned and managed by the Polk County Environmental Lands Program.
Stewardship and Restoration
Hurricanes Charley, Frances, and Jeanne passed through the hammock in 2004 reducing tree cover and killing many of the longleaf pines. Although a number of pines and many of the large oaks survived, the storms opened up the hammock to more exotic species. The main exotic plants are Queen Palm and Java Plum. The challenge for Green Horizon was to seek contributions to remove these invasive species, with a long-term goal of restoring the original longleaf pine habitat.
Green Horizon received a $12,000 grant from the Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundation to begin restoring the site. Thanks to our generous donors (individuals and members) and partners (Town of Dundee, Ridge Rangers, Mosaic, Friends of the Parks - Trek Ten Trails), the additional resources needed to complete the work were obtained!
These contributions have been used to:
- Clear two nature trails through the forest. One of the trails reaches Lake Annie.
- Place picnic tables and benches for the enjoyment of the public.
- Remove debris and invasive exotic plants, and clear under brush.
- Begin a longleaf pine restoration plan. (Additional funding and volunteers needed for this restoration project.)
- Install an informational marker near the entrance. The sign features the history of the site as well as a map of the trails.
- Fence portions of the Preserve for privacy and public safety.
In 2023, Green Horizon Land Trust received a $3,000 grant from the Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership to begin restoration of a portion of the former citrus grove to native scrub habitat. The project also included the first-ever survey and mapping of gopher tortoise burrows, the installation of sand skink cover boards and the removal of miscellaneous debris connected to the former citrus operation and blown into the site during the 2004 hurricanes.
All tax deductible donations, large or small, were used entirely for the development of this project. See how you can help Green Horizon make a difference through your tax deductible donation.